Friction Braking Trolleys
All of our products are made in the U.S. Our trolleys and zipline springs are engineered to provide the highest factor of safety possible.
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RST-23 Test Trolley
Just getting started with our zipline systems?
Start with the test trolley to determine the correct pin placements for your course.

RST-24 Friction Braking Fail-Safe Trolley ... $459
Our friction braking trolleys safely slow all zipliners, and participant weight is equalized (see video). Similar stopping locations regardless of weight.
Simply adjust the carabiner to the desired slot (according to zipline slope) and leave it there.

Three carabiner adjustments to slow or increase arrival speed. These trolleys start at $459, and quantity discounts may apply.
Schedule a free zipline analysis to get started.
Schedule a call with a zipline expert to go over your zipline specifications and ensure you get the products that you need.